Thursday 22 April 2010

Goodbye gaga Garmin

After 16 months of faultless service my faithful Forerunner 305 is no more. It had a short but active life and will be remembered fondly. Whilst it's rather shocking that it should die so young, and especially so as this was within a month of the end of the warranty period, for the not inconsiderable but nevertheless reasonable sum of £50 the nice man at Garmin will take it to its final place of rest and send me a new one at cost, saving me £85. Can't really argue to much with that.

So, if your Gamin goes gaga, all is not lost; get a new one from Garmin and sod the cost.


Techie post script: If your Garmin no longer gets a fix on satellites, navigate to the About Forerunner screen and check the GPS Chipset version. If is says 'GPS: 0.00' best get on the phone 'cause this ones not for fixing.

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