Thursday 22 April 2010

Can somebody buy me one of these please!

It's almost my birthday and I've been ever so good.

Spring Fever

Almost two week's of fine weather and already lulled into the false sense that this will go on forever. Sunset chimed in at 20.01 this evening, and we've still got two months to the Solstice. Can almost smell the summer. Bring it on!

Goodbye gaga Garmin

After 16 months of faultless service my faithful Forerunner 305 is no more. It had a short but active life and will be remembered fondly. Whilst it's rather shocking that it should die so young, and especially so as this was within a month of the end of the warranty period, for the not inconsiderable but nevertheless reasonable sum of £50 the nice man at Garmin will take it to its final place of rest and send me a new one at cost, saving me £85. Can't really argue to much with that.

So, if your Gamin goes gaga, all is not lost; get a new one from Garmin and sod the cost.


Techie post script: If your Garmin no longer gets a fix on satellites, navigate to the About Forerunner screen and check the GPS Chipset version. If is says 'GPS: 0.00' best get on the phone 'cause this ones not for fixing.

Saturday 17 April 2010

Stementia - The Grim Reaper calls time on my trusty Deda Newton stem

16th April 2010 - Whilst looking for something else I found a nice big crack across the face plate on my Deda Newton stem. Ok, so it's 10 years old and I'm not put out that I have to replace it, but a little disconcerted that I only found this only now. Well, I guess that explains the creaking from the handlebars. In future I will be paying a lot more attention to this sort of thing.

Replaced with a Ritchey Logic WCS 4-axis 44 stem in Wet Black.